선지의 기묘한 모음 536

선지의 기묘한 모음 535

선지의 기묘한 모음 534

선지의 기묘한 모음 533

please do not drop your cigarette butts on the ground. the cat crawls out at night to smoke them and we are trying to get him to quit. if sad was a drug i'd be high as fuck warning please ask me gentlely wrestling is real/ god is not stop transphobia president's spokesman says he can't speak for the president i make my mom sad with my choices(everyday) 여러분은 97년생 남자 인플루언서 중 누구를 가장 좋아하시나요?

선지의 기묘한 모음 532

대중교통 마스크 해제 1일차 후기 여자 여우짓 예시좀 변기가 너무 차가울 때 꿀팁 e is for eating ass

선지의 기묘한 모음 531

everything happens for no reason versucci what's "updog"? how about you shut the fuck "updog"? we are out of hot chocolate very sorry for the innocence perform your poem here narvard 나이를 거꾸로 먹는 떡국

선지의 기묘한 모음 530

not all who wander are lost, but i definitely am. new tork not pregnant, just eatin' good. toaster. never taken out of the box my personality is like pussy/ you wouldn't get it my parents said i could be anything, so i became an asshole freeromance adhd/ highway to hey look a squirre only ugly on the inside pspei this is not a whore house/ it is a whore home don't touch my phone, idiot.

선지의 기묘한 모음 529

"i'm a ravenclaw" no, you are 33 years old

선지의 기묘한 모음 528

adderall you're my wonderwall the mummy? more like the daddy hot tubes are just human soup willy wonka killed a kid / justice for augustus make the green m&m sexy again everyone sucks except my cat i lost my virginity to this car!!!