- Tier 1 - [ 1st Class +Beyond ]:
The One Above All/Heart of the Universe
- Tier 2 - [ 2nd Class +Beyond ]:
The Living Tribunal
- Tier 3 - [ 1st Class Multiversal Abstract or Scale ]:
Multi-Eternity/ Multi-Infinity/ Multi-Death/ Phoenix Force/ Infiniti/IG/Nemesis/ Genesis (Sise-Neg)
- Tier 4 - [ 2nd Class Multiversal Abstract or Scale ]:
Abysss/ Phoenix of the White Crown/ The Sword in the Star/ The Legion or "Prime Evil" (All the demons merged as one entity before they split into different demon lords and dimensions throughout the multiverse)/ The Darkness/ G-Force/ Nth Man/ The Void/ Korvac (Power of Six Abstracts from What if?)/ Ultimate Nullifier (I'm really not sure if this thing belongs here. Let me know please.)
- Tier 5 - [ 3rd Class Multiversal Entity ]:
The Infinites/ The Beyonders/ Masters of the Matrix/ Hunger (Thanos foe, I heard that it ate universes. Please let me know if he does belong here)
- Tier 6 - [ 1st Class Universal Abstract Entity + Dimensional God ]:
Eternity/ Infinity/ Oblivion/ Death/ Entity (What If?)/ Lord Order / Master Chaos/ The Other/ The Dreaming God/ The Ankh/ The Enigma Force/ Uni-lord/ Abadon (Original when it was the embodiment of it's own universe)/ Lectra and Phaydra/ Zokk and Maftra the twin gods of Therea/ Anthropomorpho/ The Trion/ Galactus (fully powered)/ The Creator/ The Creator's Staff/ Job Burke/ Scrier (usurping the Creator's Staff)
- Tier 7 - [ 2nd Class Universal Abstract Entity + Dimensional God ]:
Sire Hate/ Mistress Love
The Friendless Entropy/ Epiphany/ Enmity/ Empathy/ Expediency/ Eulogy/
Eon/ Epoch/ Valka/ Abraxas/ The Unbeing/ Origin/ The Goblin Entity/ Cyttorak/ Those Who Sit Above in Shadow/ The Vishanti/ Nightmare/
Hell Lords inside their own realm Mephisto/ Raggadoor/ Cinnibus/ Satannish/ Shuma-Gorath/ Denak/ Chthon/ Tiboro/ Hell-Eyes/ Llan/ Arioch/ Dormammu/ The Adversary/ Inanna/ The Darkforce Dimension/ The Dragon of the Moon/
Archenemy/ Maya/ Great One/ Atlez / Atleza/ Zalkor/
Fallen Stars/ Mr. Termineus/ Sorrow
- Tier 8 - [ High Level Metaphysical + Semi-Abstracts ]
Galactus (highly fed)/ In-Betweener/ The Celestials/ The Absolutes/ The Makers/ Mirage/ Time Twisters / Time Keepers / Hunger (embodiment of Hunger)/ Anomaly/ He Who Summons - Leader of the Watchers/ Kronos/ He Who Remains /
- Tier 9 - [ Minor Omnipotent Level + Upper Class Reality Warpers ]
Cosmic Cube/Cosmic Cube Beings
Known Developed Cosmic Cube
Beyonder/ Kubik/ Shaper of Worlds/ Supremor (I)/ Maker/
Star Thief I (Defender character)/ Vaangard/ Molecule Man/ Jim Jaspers/ Sword of the Elder Gods/ Devourer of Souls (With power of the Elders)/ The M'Kraan Crystal/ Mikhail Rasputin/ Lifestone Tree/
- Tier 10 - [ Metaphysical and Semi-Abstract Level ]:
Galactus (average)/ The Dreamqueen/ The Watchers/ Abrogate / Stranger/ Vortex/ Demogorge (Atum)/ Rune Thor/ Trion Juggernaut/ Daydream/ Hawk God/ Xorr, the God Jewel/ Wise Man and the Three Wise Men/ Walker/ Deathurge/ the Body/
- Tier 11 - [ Elder Gods ]:
Odin (Fully powered)
Elder Gods
Chthon/ Demiurge/ Set/ Gaea/
Elder Gods of the Hyborian Age Crom/ Mitra/ Asura/
Seth/ Surtur/ K'ad-Mon/ King Thor/
Hell Lords outside their own realm Mephisto/ Raggadorr/ Cinnibus/ Shuma Gorath/ Satannish/ Tiboro/ Llan/ Dormammu/ The Adversary/ Inanna/ The Dragon of the Moon/
- Tier 12 - [ Low Level Metaphysical-High Class Mutants: Reality Warping Level ]
Franklin Richards/ Proteus/Piecemeal/ Kelly/ Donna/ Haven (Radha Dastoor) and her son combined/ Composite Ngh and Ahh/ Jonz Rickard/ Alfie O'Meagan/ Jamie Braddock/ Hutch/ Mysterious Fan Boy/ Yazdi Gem
- Tier 13 - [ Multiple Planetary-Star Scale: Skyfathers + Upper Class Team Wreckers + Lower Class Reality Warpers ]:
Other Skyfather Pantheons (Odin (varies), Zeus [Olympian], Osiris [Egyptian], Manitou [Anasazi], Anu [Annunaki], etc.)/ Doctor Strange (Fullest)/ Hyperstorm/ Cleito/ Evenor/ The Silent Ones/ Master of the Sun/ Star Thief (Adam Warlock Foe)
Elders of the Universe
Architect/ Astronomer/ Caregiver/ Champion/ Collector/ Contemplator/ Ego/ Explorer/ Father Time/ Gardner/ Grand Astrogator/ Grandmaster/ Judicator/ Obliterator/ Possessor/ Runner/ Trader/
Arcadia Deville/ The Futurists/ Mister M/ Alpa the Ultimate Mutant
Cosmic Skyfathers Veeda Leebre / Kronnit/ Zuras/ Mentor/ Ghuar psionic final form/ The One Above (Dionists worship)
Skup Collins/ Scatterbrain/ Orphan/ Overshadow/ Soul-Eater (Spirit Mold)
- Tier 14 - [ Planetary-Star Scale: Death Gods + Lower Class Team Wreckers + High End Psionics + Composite Beings ]:
Thanos/ Death Gods (Pluto, Hades, Hela, Set, Pluto, Yama, etc)/ The Bottle Imp/ Supreme Intelligence/ Demonstaff/ Hunger (Fantastic Four foe)/ Shadow King/ Undying Ones/ Lord Tantalus/ Lord Khult/ Holly-Ann Ember/ Xemnu the Titan/ Bysshe/ Paloma/ Germain Royce/ Cloud/ The Dance/ Kaluu/ The Protector/ Touchstone/ Psi-Lord Franklin Richards/ Mantis/ The Walkers/ The Defiler/ Meggan and the Fairies/ Huntarr/ Mindstar/ Doctor Strange (varies)/ Modred the Mystic/ Nebulon/ Supernalia/ Varnae/ Kulan Gath/ Urthona/ Ultimus/ Thoth Amon / Sleepwalkers/ Super-Adaptoids/ Audit/ Franklin 2099/ Moleculon/ Mangog/ Onslaught (Varies)/ Uni-Mind/ Anti-Mind/ Young Gods' Uni-Mind/ Overmind/ Armaziel, Tzadqiel, and other Cosmic Angels + Asuras
- Tier 15 - [ Top Tiers ]:
Thor/ Silver Surfer/ Morg/ Beta Ray Bill/ Firelord/ X-Man (Shaman)/ Adam Warlock/ Magneto/ Moondragon/ Ikarrus/ Sersi/ Black Bolt/ Quasar/ Maelstrom/ Captain Marvel (Mar-vell, Genis, Phylla-vell)/ Kro/ Thena/ Emperor/ Val-Or/ Moondragon/ Sundragon/ Avatar/ Apocalypse/ X-Man/
- Tier 16 - [ 2nd Tiers ]:
Iron Man/ Namor/ Wonder Man/ Hercules/ Ghost Rider/ Lunatik/ Vision/ Scarlet Witch/ Professor Xavier/ Hellstorm/ Salome/ Ice Man/ Soulfire
- Tier 17 - [ 3rd Tiers ]:
Sue Richards/ The Thing/ Human Torch/ Emma Frost/ Colossus/ Bishop/ Medusa/ Flipside 2099
- Tier 18 - [ Upper Mid Tiers]:
Mister Fantastic/ Rogue/ Cyclops/ Gambit/ Archangel/ Penance/ Psylocke/ Cannonball/ Venom / Carnage
- Tier 19 - [ Lower Mid Tiers]:
Spiderman/ Wolverine/ Beast/ Nightcrawler/ Jubilee/ Sabretooth/ Warpath/ Shadowcat/ Jessica Jones
- Tier 20 - [ Upper Street Levels]:
Captain America/ Daredevil/ Black Panther/ Hawkeye/ USAgent/ Green Goblin/ Hob Goblin/ Vermin/ Doctor Octopus
- Tier 21 - [ Mid Street Levels]:
The Punisher/ Blade/ Elektra/ Black Cat/ Black Widow/ Shang Chi
- Tier 22 - [ Lower Street Levels]:
Red Skull/ King Pin/ Kate Bishop/ Mockingbird/ Swordsman/ Childs/ Shadow Slasher/ Red Guardian
- Tier 1 - [ 1st Class +Beyond ]:
The Presence/Rama Kushna/Meshta
- Tier 2 - [ 1st Class Multiversal Abstract Entity ]:
The Ultimate Darkness/ The Ultimate Light/ The Source/
- Tier 3 - [ 2nd Class Multiversal Abstract Entity ]:
Lucifer Morningstar / Archangel Michael/ Elaine
- Tier 4 - [ 3rd Class Multiversal Entity ]:
Anti-Monitor (full form)/ Ultimator/10th Dimensional Beings/ Hyperman
The Endless Death
The Witching Hour
- Tier 5 - [ 1st Class Universal Abstract Entity + Dimensional God ]:
Spectre (Fully powered) Parallax/ Parallax Entity/ Ion (Original)/ The Anti-Life Entity/ The Ecrus/ Shattered Gods/ The Warlogog/ The A/ Captain Atom (the one that created a universe)/ Kismet (if you want to go by JLA/Avengers)/ Carnivore/ Genesis Box/ Una, the Cosmic Worm of Heaven and Hell/ Maaldor (Universe)
- Tier 6 - [ 2nd Class Universal Abstract Entity + Dimensional God ]:
The Endless Destiny/ Dream/ Destruction/ Desire/ Despair/ Dellirium/
Decreator/ Godwave
Hell Lords inside their own realm Neron/ Trigon/ Neron/ Satannish/ Satanus/ Azmodus/ Shaitan/ Eclipso/ Satan/ King of Tears/ Koth Sugoth/
- Tier 7 - [ High Level Metaphysical + Semi-Abstract ]:
Spectre (High powered)/ Eclipso, Wrath of God (High powered)/ Time Trapper/ Infinite Man/ Archangel Gabriel
- Tier 8 - [ "Minor Omnipotent" Level]:
The 5th Dimensional Imps
Known 5th Dimensiona Imps Mr. Mxyzptlk/ Lkz/ Yz/ Bat-Mite/ Qwisp
The Great Tree
- Tier 9 - [ Metaphysical + Semi-Abstract level ]:
Spectre (average)/ The Lurker/ Entropy (Krona)/ The Word/ Imperiex/ Brainiac 13/ Abraxus/ Promethian Giants/ Quantum Mechanics/ Black Racer/ Black Flash/ Kulak/ Mystos/ Shadrack/ Hellion/ Eclipso - Wrath of God (average)/ Spear of Destiny/ Superman Prime
Lords of Order -Lord Kilderkin / -J'akk / -Kismet / -Nabu: Nabu the Wise / -Pantagones / -Shatru/ -St'ann / -Terataya / -Ynar /
Lords of Chaos -Child/ -Gorrum/ -Hytuurnus / -Mordru / -M'Shulla/ -Nabu: Nabu the Wise / -Shivering Jemmy / -T'Charr / -The Weaver / -The Shallow Brigade and the Laughing Dancers / -The five original Lords of Chaos (Appeared in Grant Morrison's and later Ann Nocienti's Kid Eternity series - #:Chaos is viewed as a good force here)/ -Typhon/ -Vandaemon / -Zanadu the Chaos Maker
Stigmonus Monsiur
- Tier 10 - [ Low Level Metaphysical-High Class Mutants: Reality Warping Level ]:
Bedlam/ Thunderbolt (inhibited)
- Tier 11 - [ Older Gods]:
The Old Gods
Arzaz (heroic Old God)/ Balduur (heroic Old God whose atoms formed New Genesis)/ The Dreggs (the undead)/ Lokee (god of evil)/ The Nameless One (evil Old God)/ Wotan (ruler of the Old Gods)/ etc.
S'ivaa the Destroyer and Dark Elements/ Maggedon/ Yuga Khan/ Clockwerx/ King of Tears (Outside it's realm)
- Tier 12 - [ Skyfather level + Upper Class Team Wrecker ]:
Cosmic Skyfathers Darkseid (High showings)/ Highfather Izaya/ Shazam
Guardians of the Universe/ The Controllers/ Zamarons/ Skyfather pantheons (Odin, Zeus, Dove, etc.)/ Ares/ Cosmic Gamblers
Hell Lords outside their own realm Neron/ Trigon/ Neron/ Satannish/ Satanus/ Azmodus/ Shaitan/ Eclipso/ Satan
Wonderland Inhabitants/ Doctor Fate (Fullest)/ Eclipso (depowered)/ Superman One Million/ Tynan ( the balance between Chaos and Order)
The Archangels Gabriel/ Uriel/ Raphael/ Sarauquel/ Raguel
Oblivion/ Sun Eater/ Solaris/ Owners of the Earth/ Millenium Giants/ Trinity Giants (Guardians' god)/ The Elder gods of Shazam (Marzosh, Arel, Ribalvei, Voldar, Elbiam, Lumium)/ The Luck Lords
- Tier 13 - [ Planetary-Star Scale: Death Gods + Lower Class Team Wreckers + High End Psionics ]:
Despero/ Darkseid (varies)/ Helspont/ Lord Defile/ Hightower/ Lord Emp/ Doctor Fate (Normal)/ Validus/ Sun-Dipped Superman/ Fernus/ Takion/ Stayne/ Hourman III/ Waverider/ Godfrey Gaius (Actual form)/ Eye of Ekron/ Black Zero/ Swamp Thing (World Elemental)
Parliaments Trees/ Stones/ Water/ Fire/ Air
Elementals Firestorm/ Naiad/ Red Tornado/ Swamp Thing/ Elemental of Stone
Death Gods (Set, Pluto, Hel Half-Rotted, Kali, Hades, Persephone, etc.)/ Validus/ Omnimar Synn/ Overmaster/ the Doctor (any one since each has the powers of all previous Doctors)
- Tier 14 - [ Top Tiers ]:
Superman/ Green Lantern (varies)/ The Flash III/ Zoom II/ Mister Majestic/ Black Adam/ Doomsday/ Sinestro/ Orion/ Cyborg Superman/ Captain Marvel/ Martian Manhunter/ Sentinel/ Triumph/ Mantis/ Brimstone
Earth-Born Angel/ Supergirl/ Comet / Twilight / Blithe
Other Angels
The Seraphim/ The Cherubim
Apollo/ Lightray/ Captain Atom/ Firestorm/ Doctor Polaris/ Bizarro
- Tier 15 - [ 2nd-Tiers ]:
Wonder Woman/ Captain Atom/ Superboy/ Supergirl/ Captain Marvel Jr./ Mary Marvel/ Lobo/ Etrigan/ Power Girl/ The Flash (Barry Allen)/ Kalibak/ Agogg/ Lex Luthor (armored)/ Zatanna/ Zauriel/ Asmodel/ Army of the Pax-Dei Angels
- Tier 16 - [ 3rd-Tiers ]
Hercules/ Metallo/ The Ray/ Donna Troy/ Madame Xanadu/ Kinetix/ Doctor Light
- Tier 17 - [ Upper Mid Tiers ]
Aquaman/ Vandal Savage/ Blue Devil/ Wonder Girl/ Tempest/ The Flash (Jay Garrick)/ Impulse/Kid Flash/ Hawkman/ Plastic Man/ Elongated Man
- Tier 18 - [ Lower Mid Tiers ]
The Atom/ The Creeper/ Animal Man/ Clayface/ Vixen
- Tier 19 - [ Upper Street Level ]
Batman/ Joker/ Bane/ Deathstroke/ Owlman/ Green Arrow/ Merylyn/ Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)/ Azrael
- Tier 20 - [ Mid Street Level ]
Nightwing/ Deadshot/ Wildcat/ Black Canary/ Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)/ Green Arrow (Connor Hawke)/ Arsenal (Roy Harper)/ Hitman/ Catwoman/ Shado/ Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)/ Richard Dragon/ Lady Shiva
- Tier 21 - [ Lower Street Level ]
Robin/ Huntress/ Speedy (Mia Dearden)/ Arrowette (Cissie King-Jones)/ Penguin/ Harley Quinn
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